New Modalities

Optimize your health and wellbeing!  For more than 25 years therapists at the Edmund Center have helped countless people with multitudes of soft tissue injuries, structural imbalances, stress, etc.  Over the years it has become obvious there are a variety of factors influencing the overall health and happiness of “daily living” and the simpler things in life.

Increasingly I wish to add the modalities and professionals I feel can help impact your health in a positive manner.  Below is a list of options we have recently made available.  Please continue to check our website and emails as we introduce more information.


Proudly established in 1997, providing
the most experienced and knowledgeable team of 
therapists available.

Proudly established in 1997, providing
the most experienced and knowledgeable team
of therapists available.

60 Watt Infrared Hot Laser

The Diowave laser provides a powerful new solution for numerous painful conditions previously resistant to traditional medical care.  Laser therapy is often a highly effective alternative to traditional medical therapies such as cortisone injections, pain medication and even surgery.  

From personal experience I can assure you Diowave Hot Infrared Laser therapy feels great, provides penetrating infrared light deep to reach damaged cells and tissue, and obvious results are typically faster than many other therapeutic modalities.  Results can often be seen and felt after the 1st or 2nd treatment.   Both acute and chronic injuries respond well to the treatment as blood flow is increased to the area and inflammation is reduced.  

Infrared light stimulates the mitochondria in the cells to increase energy production which in turn accelerates the healing process.  The Diowave laser also helps to prevent and break down scar tissue and adhesions.  It can even kill nail fungus!


Laser during massage  $30.00

Laser in addition to massage $40.00

Laser only:

15 Minutes    $60.00

5 sessions     $250.00

10 sessions    $475.00

15 Sessions    $675.00

20 Sessions     $800.00

For more information visit

Kangen Water

There are four basic things that the Kangen water generator does to the water that passes through it. First, it is filtered. Impurities like chlorine, lead, rust, fluoride and any other contaminants are removed while the basic healthy mineral content is maintained.

Second, the water is alkalinized. Water with a pH ranging from 8.5 to 9.5 can be selected to drink. The initial cleansing reaction from drinking Kangen water can be strong, so it is recommended that one begin with the 8.5 and gradually work up to 9.5. Alkalinity is one of the essential elements in preventing and reversing disease.

There are other settings on the machine that make it possible to produce both more alkaline water, as well as acidic water. This has a number of uses ranging from washing off grease stains and pesticides from fruits and vegetables to washing and toning one’s skin or acting as a strong disinfectant.  None of them are intended for internal use.

Third, the water molecules are ionized to make them more absorbable by the cells. Normal tap water tends to exhibit a phenomenon known as clumping, that is, it forms clusters of molecules clumped together. This makes it difficult for the cells to absorb and prevents proper hydration. Ionizing (meaning a process to create ions – atoms or molecules with a net positive or negative charge) of clumped water reduces their size, resulting in improved hydration.  These molecules bond with and flush out of the free radicals.

Success Stories


I just had my first laser treatment on my right deltoid/bicep.  INCREDIBLE!  It has hurt for a while but I could hardly move my arm this morning.  I scheduled with Kim for bodywork and she suggested the Diowave Laser and now I am hooked!  Pain is almost gone.  Thank you for this wonder treatment!

Meg S.


After a baseball career of over 20 years and being very athletic during the off season and even after retirement, the hands of time begin to catch up with me.  Wrist pain, knee pain and even low back pain were just a few of my aches and pains I have been experiencing.  Diowave Laser Therapy is just what I needed.  It has helped relieve my pain and allowed me to be active.

Jim P., Hall of Fame Baseball Pitcher

In January of 2017 I was hit by a car as a pedestrian in a cross walk.  I suffered numerous injuries and I am possibly facing a 5th surgery.  Kim was able to provide many different treatment options including Neuromuscular Massage and Laser therapy during my recovery both pre and post-operatively.  She also worked closely with my Doctors and Physical therapist to provide the best care possible.

Randy N.

Cornelius Location


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